22 June 2010

The Great Compromise

As most that are reading this already know, we have had some issues with our fellow Wiki collaborators. However, we hope that it has all ended tonight. As a group, we have agreed on a format and we have clearly posted it on the homepage. We will see if they conform to this appropriate format. I will also say it irritates me that they have apparently laughed at any and all changes we have made and they have changed it without communicating a reason as to why they did it. I feel our group wouldn't be as upset if we had a reason why they formatted the way they did. I will say that I am happy I have posted all of my links and as of now, everything is unified. When it comes to the due date, you can look at the history and see that we did do what we were suppose to. But it's whatever, I have other things in this class to worry about!

On a lighter note, I really enjoyed the lesson plan I did with Zack. We worked very well together. While it took us a bit of time to think of an idea, once we did it was smooth sailing. He showed me the Dallas Symphony Orchestra for Kids website and that is where we came up with the idea of having the students listen to the instruments and do some research on them. After talking, we decided on using Disney's Peter and the Wolf film to combine Music and Literature. I feel like we developed a strong lesson plan and the worksheet is solid as well so I plan on saving it and using it in my own classroom one  day. I do like the ABCD lesson plan objective format. It makes complete sense and as someone who had never written one before, it made it easy. It makes me more comfortable as I write a new lesson plan this week for my Reading Education 430 class. What I did find difficult is coming up with accommodations for students depending on their age, disabilities, or whatever could hinder them from doing the assignment without assistance.

This week has started out great and I am looking forward to the whole image thing on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Patrick,

    Regarding accommodations for special needs learners, I can point to your Preparing to Use Technology text as a phenomenal resource, at least as the accommodations relate to technology. Beginning on p. 19, the authors discuss various types of accommodations and adaptations, and then you will notice this theme is built upon in every subsequent chapter, depending on the topic. So, if you are planning instruction with a word processor (which is highly likely if you teach at the intermediate level, right?), you can go to Chapter 6 for ideas on how to adapt the various word processing features to meet the needs of particular students in your room.

    Actually, there are a lot of adaptations and special accommodations that make sense for every classroom, just from a learning styles perspective. I think this is a particularly strong feature of your text, and you can expect to see several questions on the final about special needs accommodations. Hint, hint.
