26 July 2010

I'm Late, I'm Late!

So it is 10:45 on Monday night and I just realized I haven't done a reflection on my website and the course as a whole.

So building the website is rather easy. I have enjoyed it because although I have done it before, I have actually been able to learn a few things that I can't wait to apply to my personal writing site. I plan on making it more professional and developing it so it may be viewed by more than just friends and family. I have a deadline for this which is October when there is a huge writing conference in SC that I plan on attending if I can finish my manuscript for my book--which is why I am so late posting this blog. Anyways, the site looks very good and has come together well. I am really interested to see the different approaches by different fields and even my coworkers in the Elementary Education field aka the Triad. I have only hit a few snags when developing this site which is consistancy. It is a pain to make sure everything is the same btu hey it looks good! I can't wait to finish.

As for the class...

I have really enjoyed developing my tech skills and getting to know the people in the class with me. They have been helpful when learning different methods and different resources that I can change around and use for my classroom. The projects were not a drag at all and they were more fun than anything. Yes, there was a lot. No, it wasn't too much. And yes, there was more than enough help if I asked. I really couldn't ask for a better class to take during the summer. But I do see how some students might get lost if they don't have a good foundation with technology and have issues locating things on the computer or web and using them quickly.

Quick Notes
  • I did hate the ePortfolio that we uploaded onto the PLP
  • I did not like the Wiki and using it across different classes
  • I suggest using the Wiki as an entire class and developing a mass website of material for one section of TPTE
  • Blogging was a pain but I see it's uses and I plan on asking my students to do it
  • Thank you for the fun activities to use in the classroom like the digital scavenger hunt I did with the Triad and the lesson plan that I did with Zack

Okay, I think that is everything for now. Thanks Jennifer!

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